Here is a spin regarding FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out):
I guess you can say, I’m following up my last post regarding “Has Technology Ruined Relationships” with the question of “What if I don’t see everything?” - meaning “FOMO”. FOMO, the “Fear of Missing Out” I guess is something that could occur with being involved in social media or technology. I’m sure this happens to everyone at some point in this day and age.
Obviously, with social media, things can really get out of hand, trying to follow every little blurb, blog, text, or video. With one swipe on the phone whether intentional, or accidental, your whole world can be turned upside down. Just the innocent comment here or there, or a quick text can wreak havoc and or ruin lives. With recent events, look at the Will Smith & Chris Rock thing. This misunderstanding has taken on a whole new meaning in this day and age and that’s just one example.
How about the leaks from the Supreme Court? Again, another example of something getting out again, whether intentional or accidental, that will have an impact on how things get handled with social media. Is this something we all should be following? In my opinion yes. The Will Smith & Chris Rock thing, I don’t know, maybe. My priorities would be more on something that will impact our quality of life so I will be watching or paying attention more to the Supreme Court issues vs Will Smith & Chris Rock issue.
FOMO can hit some people pretty hard. Will we see everything, or know everything? Probably not. Just my humble opinion. I’m sure this is a struggle for a lot of social on lookers. Think about it. If you’re in the know, can you pay attention to several things all at once? Maybe a news organization, (since it’s their jobs) can keep up with this kind of stuff and try to keep the facts from opinions straight. For me, it’s a no brainer, “I’m just not going to do this”, meaning I’m just going to let things go. Unfortunately, this also applies to real technology items.
Just like with social media the same thing would apply to technology items too. Again, unless you are a “Super Tech. Person”, how could you, meaning the average person, possibly keep up with everything? PC’s vs Laptops, I-phones vs Androids, Apple devices vs Google, etc., etc.,… The list, just like the social media sites & items can go on and on. For now, I accept the fact that I can’t know everything regarding the social media items & technology. Please Lord God, 😊 just help me to stay in the loop.
Just my rant for today and just something to think about.
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