Saturday, May 17, 2014

So it’s been awhile....

So it’s been awhile since I last sat down to write or rant about anything however, that does not mean things have slowed down. In fact, for awhile I was really busy trying tie up so many loose ends there was simply no way to really comment or write about any technical stuff. This is just going to be a short synopsis of what has been going on since I last checked in, and for once I will post some questions so please don’t be afraid to write back.


If you haven’t noticed, it has been a rotten winter (see my earlier post), and this spring is just as bad. Shortly after I broke my snow blower I had some medical issues due to the weather so my last post was more or less about the class I taught at Autodesk University (Revit to AutoCAD). I also had my regular full-time job duties, my consulting duties (under Fitz Digital CAD Service), and I was also involved with a Design class up at County College of Morris. When does the amount of work become too much, and how do other people in my situation handle or juggle the home, work and school load?


In regards to Technical Information, for one situation, Robert Green really summed it up with his Cadalyst newsletters about 
For me, since I am technically working two jobs, having these “IT” issues has been a nightmare. By the way, if you are looking for some real helpful suggestions, I suggest reading through his (Robert Green) Cadalyst newsletters
In my opinion, at least by reading though the material in his articles, you will get pointed in the right direction.

With some other Tech-Info, that I have going on, it is that time of the year for submitting classes for Autodesk University.   This year, I had 3 proposals, more or less all about collaboration. If anything, I truly wished that Autodesk would start to simplify things again. What I mean simply is; 1,) at least get AutoCAD straightened out (by fixing the legacy problems), and 2,) be able to export to a few more programs. We all know there are people that rarely use AutoCAD so, having a bunch of different programs that are suitable for the task at hand is a good idea and Autodesk should make their main program (AutoCAD) work with all of the other “New” platforms. This in my opinion will help with collaboration.


Anyway, hopefully the next time I post a blog it in regards to speaking again at AU.

Take care,


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