Quick Note to the Autodesk Community Moderators….
Just wanted to follow up with
anyone that monitors input to the forum.
Lately there seems to be a
problem with setting up the format of board posting. I actually think for me at
least, this has been a problem since 2013, or basically since the community board updated the site. Prior
to this “Upgrade” I really have had no major complaints, in fact from showing
other CAD users here in my office how the forums worked we were able to resolve
problems here in the office by a simply
“Goggling” the question, or problem, reviewing what was on the forum and
resolving the issue.
Again, prior to 2013, If the problem we had was not listed or shown,
for me there seemed to be no issues with
asking or posting the question adding the screen views, or attachments.
Now, (since 2013) this seems to
be a problem. When I researched this issue and found that others were having the
same issue, (link xxx), I thought for sure the moderators would at worst go back to the old
format, and at best “Fix” how the
forum currently works.
Well… (at least for me) the issues with
uploading or changing the format of how postings get listed “STILL” is not
working properly.
Including this post, please look
at my earlier question regarding “Realistic
Rendering” (http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/autocad-2013-2014-2015-2016-2017/realistic-renderings-in-autocad-without-add-ons/m-p/6604244#M144816).
Yes… I was able to post the
question, and yes, I was able to get a partial resolution, if not the whole
answer in a nutshell but… the initial posting of the question had to be done in
several attempts, and “Just like This
Post” formatting of the questions and inclusion of attachments did not work
so we had to go another route. By the way, I am posting this on my own personal
blog (Tech-Info
and Rants) and it should be in the right format as I intended to
Most likely as dgorsman
has pointed out to me on my other community board postings, this will look like
a “Wall of Text”
Today’s alert (10/07/2016):
BTW… I’m sure this is exactly what anyone
that has been “Forced” to move to a subscription plan was afraid of:
Forum post prior to 2013: (In the AutoCAD
(Note: The text is in “Paragraph Format” & “Attachments are
allowed, or included)
Yet another Forum post prior to 2013: (in
(Note: Again, the text is in “Paragraph Format” & “Attachments
are allowed, or included)
My Most Current Forum post: (10/05/2016)
(Note: Text is “Not in paragraph format” thus creating a “Wall of
Text” & attachment were omitted)
Comments received about my current forum
post: (10/05/2016)
(Note: Text is “Still Not in paragraph format” thus creating a
“Wall of Text” & attachments and linking to other post, or members that can
help within the forum were omitted).
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